
Terms and Conditions of Use

The purpose of these general terms of use is to define the terms and conditions of use of the site

Objectif et qualité des contenus

The purpose of this site is to communicate information about the products or services offered by the site editor. The site strives to provide quality and verified information. If you notice a typographical error or if any information seems inaccurate, please inform us by sending us an email. The site is likely to be supplemented or modified at any time, in particular according to the technological evolutions.


Access & Use of the site

Any abuse in accessing or using the site or any use other than that for which it is intended is prohibited. It is also strictly prohibited to jeopardize the integrity, use or operating conditions of the server or to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper functioning of the site.

Access to the site may be suspended for reasons of maintenance or updating, for a cause due to the occurrence of a fortuitous event or force majeure usually recognized by French jurisprudence.


Intellectual Property

The website and its contents are protected by intellectual property rights for the benefit of the site editor. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, extract, distribute, all or part of the site or its elements, on any medium whatsoever without the prior written consent of the site editor. The non-respect of these rights can engage the civil and penal responsibilities of the offender.

The photographs, images, illustrations and videos on the site are the full and complete property of the site editor.


Personal Data

L’éditeur du site s’engage à ce que la collecte et le traitement des données personnelles effectués à partir du présent site soient conformes au RGPD et à la loi Informatique et Libertés.

It informs you that the personal data collected via the form(s) (e.g.: contact, newsletter) are subject to computer processing by the site editor for the management of Internet users' requests and/or newsletter registration. The legal basis for this processing is the legitimate interest of the site editor. The processed data, which are Company, Name, Mail, are issued from
l’enregistrement des différents champs remplis sur le(s) formulaire(s) par l’utilisateur du site.

The personal data collected is not transferred to any country outside the European Union.

Les données personnelles collectées via notre site web sont conservées pendant une durée de 3 ans à compter du jour de leur collecte ou bien tant que la personne concernée ne se désinscrit pas ou en nous adressant une demande par email à l’adresse : Conformément à la législation sur la protection des données à caractère personnel, vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification, de suppression, de portabilité aux informations qui vous concernent, que vous pouvez exercer en nous adressant un e-mail à l’adresse : You can consult the site for more information on your rights. You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of your data. If you believe, after having contacted us, that your rights "Informatique et Libertés", are not respected, you can introduce a complaint to the CNIL.


Connection and security

The access and use of the site are secured by an Anti-virus, Firewall, Backup, to ensure the security and integrity of data exchanged from end to end between the user's computer and our site.

Hypertext links

It is forbidden to set up a hypertext link to this site without the prior written consent of the publisher. In no case, the latter can be held responsible for the content of the sites which are the subject of a hypertext link from the present site.


Applicable law & Jurisdiction

This site is governed by French law and falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the place of the registered office for a legal entity or of the domicile for a natural person, of the site editor.